Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > type of parrot

type of parrot

21 16:41:44

I had a parrot find me last night when I was outside with my dogs & I now am going to take care of it (since it's owner seems to have abandoned it to the outdoors!) I've searched for pics to find out what kind it is but haven't found one similiar. Could I possibly send a pic of 'birdie' to you for your help in identifying?

Hi Debby,

Just because the bird was loose outside does not mean that his/her owners abandoned it. Many times beloved pets accidently ecscape. Sometimes birds who are normally well trained or who have their wings clipped can get spooked if going on an outdoor trip with their owner and take off. (All they need is the right gust of wind and they can quickly be far from home).

I would recommend putting an ad in your local paper and notifing your local animal control services to try and locate the previous owner.

For the mean time (or if you cannot find the owner), here are some websites with information on proper bird care:


You can feel free to e-mail me a photo so that I can try and Identify the bird and give you species-specific information on it. My e-mail address is:

I hope this helps.
