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Mustache Parakeet

21 16:05:37

When I got my bird 10 yrs ago I was told it was a 4 mo. old male.
This past Thursday & again on Sunday HE laid an egg each time.
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?  This is a first & he's never been with another bird. CAN THIS BE HARMFUL TO HIM?

Who ever you got him from was wrong on his sex and he is in fact a she. Birds will lay eggs when they have reached sexual maturity obviously it will not be fertile and in fact, much like a chicken egg. What her and see is she lays any more, she could lay 6-8 with in the next few days. If she is laying them excessively she will need to see the vet. Then you can take them away after a couple weeks. Due to the age of the bird I would call the vet and just get some advice from them as well.