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Four birds in one room, having a moth problem

21 16:30:34

Hi Carly,

We have four birds: one blue & gold macaw, one sun conure, one yellow cockatiel, and one green-cheeked conure.

We moved here from another town about 3 years ago, where we had the same problem. We had a moth problem up there with the birds, and now it's getting to be a problem down here too.

I'm not sure that they are moths, but i'm pretty sure.

There are about 20 to 30 in the room right now.

How do we get rid of them? Is there a special kind of bedding I can use or something I can put in the bedding to prevent them from breeding? Or is there maybe something I can put in the room to keep them from reproducing?

I think my green-cheeked conure is scared of them too, it seems like whenever one of them flies near his cage he starts screaming.

Hope I provided enough information for you to help me figure out my problem and get rid of these annoying bugs.


Dear Brandon,
This question should be handled by a exterminator. If I were you, I would move the birds, for now, into a different room, until the moths are gone. What you should do is call someone who can kill the moths and maybe they can stop them from breeding. Only problem is, the chemicals could harm your birds. I am so sorry and feel so bad for your birds. I wish I could help you. The best thing for you to do is call an exterminator. I hope what I said helped at least a little.
Email me at to tell me if anything improves. Could you also email me pics of your birds if possible?
Good Luck!