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Training Cost

21 16:26:26

Jennifer, I need to know what price an "expert" would charge to work with a parrot.  When you train one, do you work only with the parrot, or the human as well?  Do you know of any parrot trainers in the Atlanta, GA area?  What credentials should I look for and what questions should I ask when I find someone who claims to be a "bird trainer"?

Hello Madeleine,

When I train parrots I mostly am teaching the owners how to train the parrot. That is critical to helping my clients. Backgrounds vary for parrot trainers. You want to find someone who has extensive experience with parrots and whose training methods you are comfortable with. An initial consultation should include not just training but diet, veterinary care, housing etc. since all of this an affect a bird's behavior.

Unfortunately I am not familiar with and parrot trainers in your area. Most do offer phone consultations. Prices vary on the area and what is offered. Expect to spend $100 and up.

You are welcome to visit my website to see the services I offer, along with pricing and my experience.
