Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Egg NOT HATCHING


21 16:31:46

My conure's egg isent hatching. i shined a flash light and i saw veins and stuff. it has been over 30 days.. what should i do !

Hi, David.  Thanks for posting!

How long ago did you candle the egg and see veins and stuff in it?  It could be that the baby has died in it's shell because if it's been over 30 days since the mom conure started incubating this egg, the egg isn't going to hatch.  It only takes 18-20 days for a conure egg to hatch once the egg starts being incubated.

Has the parents stopped incubating the egg?  Is this the only egg?  You shouldn't do anything until the parents abandon the egg.  Just leave it alone until they do if you think there's a possibility it will hatch.  You might candle it again and see what you can see.  If the egg is turning a dark, ugly color, it might not be any good.
