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breast wound on love bird

21 16:34:50



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Question -
I have a pair of black hooded love birds.  A month ago, I noticed that the female has a split in her lower belly.  We put neosporin on it and it seemed to close up.  Yesterday, I noticed the split again.  There is nothing in her cage that could be causing this.  Do you have any thought on what is happening and what I should do?  Thanks.

Answer -
She needs to see a vet asap for antibiotics as it could get infected. Could the other bird be causing it? If not then it has to be something in the cage, even if it looks safe there could be something sharp in there. A wound in a birds abdomen is very dangerous, try to keep flies away from it so it doesn't end up filled with maggots until you can get to a vet. Good luck

Today I looked at her again, and there is an egg in her belly, so I put some olive oil and a heat lamp on it,is that ok?

Can you describe what you mean by saying she has an egg in her belly? It sounds like she could be egg bound, eggs should come straight out and they shouldn't be stuck inside as this can kill them. What did you do with the olive oil? If you were trying to get the egg out then please just leave it and get her to a vet, if the egg shatters inside her its very serious, either way she needs a vet for the wound even if this isn't serious. Good luck