Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > My parrot is sick, I need help!

My parrot is sick, I need help!

21 16:35:13

My parrot was in a very good condition, playing and eating healthy food. This morning when I uncovered his bird house he was at the bottom and couldn't hold himself up, I tried to feed him but he didn't eat at all. Please tell me what can I do to help him feel better? Please!

Hi, Dalia.  Thanks for posting!

I can't help you because I don't know what's wrong with your could be any number of medical conditions.  You need to get your parrot to an avian veterinarian immediately.  Not a cat/dog vet, but an exotic animal vet or a specialty vet who treats birds.  Don't hesitate or you could lose this bird.
