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My Cockatiel is sick....I think....?

21 16:15:15

Hello Rev,

I wrote to you earlier this year about my cockatiel being very noisy - he's really good now; thanks to your advice.

Rev, I have another question about our bird...I'm really concerned about him.  He is only a few months old and has had his wings clipped from before we got him at about 8 weeks old.  When we take him out of his cage, he will sit on our finger and be totally normal.  Every now and then he will flap wildy, as if trying to keep his balance.  He seems to lean right back, and on occasion actually flaps his way off our hands, and we have taken numerous dives to try and catch him.  He has also become very violent as of late, biting me and my partner with no warning.  He will sit for an hour, then bite for no reason...Especially myself.  I have always looked after him and I have always played with him and handled him.  Sometimes he will sit and appear to 'shiver' on our hands and I am very concerned that he is in pain or there is something wrong...He does on occasion appear to 'sneeze' as well...

We live in Perth, Australia, and it is by no means too hot or too cold.  We give him a diet of high quality seeds and green leafy vegetables.  His water is always fresh...and his cage is always clean...  We give him anti-diahorrea drops and we just can't figure out whats wrong...

His droppings appear slightly different, but are by no means watery effluent.  Is he simply frustrated with his wings?  Does he have a cold?

We are thinking that we should take him to the vet asap...Do you think that's what we should do?  Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

Once again, your help is valued and appreciated,

Thank you,

Daniel Anastasi

The first concern I have is that you're giving him anti-diarrheal meds.  Please stop.  These products are never, ever necessary for a bird and the people selling them should be ashamed of themselves for putting birds at risk by trying to convince owners that it's necessary or safe.

If you'll look at my site you'll learn about droppings and that diarrhea is usually just polyuria (increased urates).  This is often due to increased fruit, high fluid vegetables or increased drinking and will be easy enough to 'fix' with a dietary modification.
 If there's really diarrhea, there is usually something more serious going on and a vet is absolutely necessary in order to save the bird's life.  No product from a pet store will do this.  
  If you happen to notice a change in the droppings and think it's this product, it's just what they're counting on.  Most droppings will go from polyuria to normal and it's easy for people to think it's the product (it is not).

Please, please see my site for more about things like this ok? (click the bird tab).

When it comes to his wing clipping, it shouldn't be severe enough that he plops to the floor if he falls or is startled.  He should be able to glide to the floor, but not get any lift if he tries to fly up or away.  

The other behaviors sound like he might be maturing and there could be subtle changes you haven't noticed - I'll just put this answer through at this point and you follow up with me about the other things first ok?

 Please see my site though - there's a lot of info there for you