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temp control

21 16:18:34


I have been keeping my Quaker Parrot on a enclosed porch.  It is not temp controlled but I can shut the windows.  As I live in Texas it does no get real cold.  Tonight it is supposed to get down in the 60's.  I cover my Quaker with a 2 thick beach towels and have rigged him a type of shower covering so he has extra cover.  Is this to much or not enough?


Hello Paula and thank you for your post.
Quakers are very hardy birds, and for the most part they can acclimate to most conditions, however, I am a firm believer that a bird should be kept warm.
There is a basic rule of thumb that you can follow.  If it is comfortable for you, then it is probably comfortable for your bird also.  I freeze very easily, and I have to keep the temp in my house between 68 and 75 degrees (I also have a Guinea Pig that is prone to catching pneumonia and this is the only way to keep her from getting sick).  My birds do not complain about the warmth either, but I am in Michigan and it gets very cold here.

Good luck and God Bless.