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parrot is sick

21 16:29:01

Hi i have an alexandrian parrot whom is very sick i have taking him to the vet to be told his chances of survival are slim, i have now brought him home with meds baytrill2.5% and metcam he has also givin him an antibiotic, i noticed my parrot is now sat at the bottom of the cage do they do this before they die im so upset only had him a month and he is only a year old gutted

Hi, Sarah.

I'm so sorry to hear about your parrot.  When they go to the cage bottom and are ill, this means they are no longer able to perch (they go to the cage bottom so they don't fall off their perches).  Could also mean the meds are making your bird drowsy so the bird is staying on the cage bottom so it doesn't fall off its perches.  Hopefully, your vet is a certified avian veterinarian.  A regular cat/dog vet isn't knowledgeable about parrots.  
