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ring neck injures itself

21 16:44:00

i hve a female ring neck and she always try to escape from her cage injuring herself at neck and wings.Now she can not fly anymore.What should i do?

Hi Dimitrios,

 The first thing you need to do is to get your bird to a vet who specializes in birds to find out how serious the injury is that your bird has gotten. It may be something that is causing her pain or it may be something that a vet can fix. The next thing I would do is to check your cage. Are the bars spaced too far apart so that she can get her head caught in between them? Does she have plenty of food, things to chew on, and toys to keep her occupied in her cage? Is something scaring her?  It is unusual for a bird that has proper caging, diet and toys to be that upset about being caged. She is obviously frightened or very unhappy about something. I cant help you decide what it might be so look carefully and see if you can make the situation better for her. But please, first get her to a skilled veterinarian.

Good luck to you!
