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Perant raised love bird as pet?

21 16:44:00

Hi I am thinking about getting a love bird as a pet, the one I was considering is six monthd old perant raised and peach faced. I would like to know how long would it take me to tame it? would it become tame enough to sit on my finger?(I have tamed a six month old cockatiel in a week)

With a mountain of time and patience you could succeed in a month or two BUT Lovebirds, especially parent reared ones of that age are a lot more difficult to tame than Cockatiels.

Better to start with a much younger bird (still with a black mark on the beak) and even better, a hand reared one.

Lovebirds even when handreared can lose their tameness with insufficient attention, and hens often lose it when they lay eggs.

Sorry to be negative!
