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White eyed conure

21 16:33:09

I have a whit eyed conure, and I'm not too sure if it's a male or female. He/she, is about 7-8 years old. I would like to get another and start breedign them cause I've read that they are not comonly breed. My bird had never laid any eggs before, is there anyway I can tell if it's a male or female without testing it's blood? And do you know where I can get another white eyed conure?

Hi, Tori.  Thanks for posting!

Your bird will need to be DNA sexed in order to determine it's sex.  Find Avian Biotech on the internet for more information on this.  It costs about $20 to have this done, testing kits are free, and you can do this at home yourself if you know how to clip a bird's toenails.  

You'll need to sex this bird before you attempt to purchase a mate.  

No, I don't know where you can buy another conure.
