Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Bald spots

Bald spots

21 16:15:30

Our peonus (sp) parrot, Rocky, has a bald spot on the top/back of her head and we notice thinning of feathers near her ears.  We have not noticed her pulling her feathers or scratching.  She is about 19-20 years old and eats store-bought parrot food which has seeds, dried veggies and fruits in it.  She loves peanuts.  She drinks a sufficient amount of water and we spray her every day.  She is talkative and active.  We only have noticed this in the last month or so.  What could be causing this?

Hi, Joanne,

I found your question in the question pool.  The expert you sent your original post to could not answer for some reason.  Please tell me who that expert was.

This problem can be due to many things.  I would need much more information about your bird and the entire situation in order to help you and your bird.  However, you need to ensure the bird has no medical problems that are causing this.  This means you need to take your bird to a certified avian vet for a checkup first.  It could be diet related, hormone related, etc.  You need to rule out medical problems first before tackling other possible contributors.  
