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black capped conure

21 16:21:13

I have a question concerning my 1 year old black capped conure. He has started bobbing his head vigourously and reguretating. I have heard this is a way to show affection but at times he'll do it when I'm not even near him. He does it when we are in the car too. Also he always gets so upset when I leave for work. He has started pulling out his feathers! I never lock him up in his cage when I'm gone, and he has lots of toys. Also I leave the TV on for him too.I've only has him since the end of June, but he is very attatched to me. Do I need to find him a baby sitter? Please help

sounds like you need to lay down the law. Try to reestablish your bond with him as that of a teacher student versus friend mate. Set some rules an limits on his schedule and stick to them. I hope this makes since but it sounds like a classic case of a bratty bird :)