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baby bird does not like me

21 16:18:52

I have recently purchased a yellow collar mini macaw from a local, very reputable bird store. Milo was hatched on 8/6/2007. He is still hand feeding 3 times a day so I have not brought him home yet, although I do visit with him 3-4 time per week. At first he was wonderful but within the last week has done a complete 360 degree turn.  He bites hard any time I try to pick him up, and when I do get him he does all he can to get away from me.  He makes a low screech noise any time I touch him.  He "flies" or runs to my husband and climbs up his legs to get as far away from me as possible. If my husband is not within sight he is usually OK with me for a few minutes and then wants no parts of me.  I don't understand the sudden change.  He was great at first and nothing that I know of has happened to make him freak out like this. He also bites anyone else who tries to hold him, especially when my husband has him. This bird was a gift for me, although I did pick him out myself and I am madly in love with him, the problem is he is just MAD! What can I do?  The store has suggested that maybe taking him home will help calm him down.  I would have no problem with this except for the fact that I already have a 5 month old Red Front Macaw at home that I am trying to wean and would rather keep Milo at the store until he is about a month older and the other macaw is weaned so I can concentrate on him. He is currently housed with 4 other birds and is the smallest of the bunch so I wonder if his aggressiveness is for this reason. I'm at a loss. Any advice you can offer would be GREATLY appreciated.

Unfortunately the likelihood of him learning to like you is quite small. If a bird does not like you, it probably never will. BUT since it liked you at one point, It's quite possible that it does like you, but is afraid of you. Are there any females working at the store? I worked in a pet store for a while at one point and witnessed things I had never imagined. These people were not mean people and the pet store was a very "good" one. The people would just have bad days sometimes and not really abuse the animals, but definitely weren't nice to them! Your bird could have been scared by a female worker. Bring a female friend to come visit the bird with you. If he's afraid of her, too, that's your problem and he'll grow out of it. It will take lots of time and love, though.
Once he comes home, your husband should NOT hold him or really have anything to do with him. This teaches the bird to rely on YOU for everything and will slowly learn to love you. He'll always love your husband, so you need to teach him that YOU'RE his mom and he must love YOU.
The fact that he's housed with other birds can possibly be a cause of the aggressiveness, but it's uncommon. It could be that the other birds are getting more attention and/or food, and once he met your husband, he decided that he must claim your husband for himself. "This is MINE. All the attention from him is MINE! Get away!" That's probably (if the aggressiveness was caused by being with the other birds) what he's thinking. Once he gets away from the other birds, just have your husband basically ignore him and YOU take full care of him.
I hope everything works out well! Let me know if you have problems with anything in the future!