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Single female laying eggs

21 16:34:33

About 10 months ago we bought a cockatiel, which we were told was a male. Over the last week he has been acting strange, almost as if sitting on an imaginary nest.
Today, imagine our surprise when our supposed male cockatiel all the sudden laid an egg!
So it turns out that "he" is a "she". Not only that, she has not partner and has never been exposed to any other bird.
The egg surprise happened an hour or so ago, and the way she is acting, she may not be done either.
Is it normal for a single cockatiel to be laying eggs? Is that harmful to her in any way? Can we expect more eggs? In short ... what should we do?  

Dear Sandia,
It is very normal for a single Cockatiel to lay eggs. It could be harmful to a Cockatiel but there is a good chance your Cockatiel will be fine. Sometimes it could be unhealthy. You probably could expect more eggs. Also, the eggs are not fertile. (that means they won't hatch) Also, a few eggs a few times a year are okay. I have a book called Why Do Cockatiels Do That? By Nikki Moustaki. That book is a very good book and will tell you why Cockatiels lay eggs even without mates. I bought this book on for a very reasonable price. It cost $6.95 + Shipping. Also, ask a vet about your cockatiel to make shore she is okay.

Good Luck and email me at and tell me if you bought that Cockatiel book!