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Lost Peachface Lovebird

21 16:16:41

Hi Carol,
I had my two lovebirds in their cage sitting on our patio this morning when a huge whirlwind blew the cage over and one of them flew away (I haven't clipped their wings in about six months). It was also raining quite heavily so I think he was frightened. They are always in the cage together and very spoilt. Do you think he will make his way back to his mate? Is there anything I could do to help him return home safely? Will he hear his mate calling? I am extremely frantic and will try anything.
Kind regards,Angela

Ok, well I would go out and purchase a cage that is identical to the cage you have now so that you can leave it outside 24/7. Put the bird's favorite food in the cage and some toys. Leave a window open (if weather permits) so that it can hear it's mate call. Usually a bird will return even if it's been gone for 2 weeks! Go talk to all of your neighbors about the bird and let them know how to catch it and leave your number with them so that they can contact you if they see it. Also call your shelter to let them know that he went missing. This way, if/when someone finds him and brings him to the shelter, the shelter will know to call you.
I wish you the best of luck and please clip those wings!