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lovebird diet

21 16:35:01

Hi, thank you for answering>
Q1: What is a pelleted diet and a seed-base siet?
Q2:What is the difference between them?
q3: Which is the best to feed my lovebird?

Thank you v.much!  

A seed based diet is the old fashioned way of feeding birds, it involves just giving them seeds as the majority of their diet. It can lead to nutritional deficiencies which aren't good.
     A pellet based diet is a bit more expensive than seeds, but the pellets are nutritionally balanced so in theory contain everything a bird needs and they come in different sizes for different sized birds. Even with pellets its a good idea to offer fresh veg and fruit daily or every other day. Pellets are better for your bird, they last longer and aren't as messy as seeds. check out this site its a really good quality organic bird food, its great. just make sure that if you buy it, you get the right size, you would need small pieces for your love bird. good luck