Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Senegal has blood spot in eye???

Senegal has blood spot in eye???

21 16:35:01

My Senegal is very healthy and spoiled to say the least.  But this morning, we woke him to find he has a dark red blood patch on the bottom corner of his eye.  The rest of the eye looks ok, no clouding or discharge.  And he seem to be able to see out of it still.  Although he's favoring the other eye and shows some signs of irritability in that side.

It almost looks as though he poked it or something.  

He has no sharp toys, and we have no Teflon, scented candles, fresheners or smoking in the house.

Our Avian Vet is out of town for 2 weeks.  Should we been driving him 5 hours to the nearest Avian Vet immediately, or watch to see if it improves?

I'm really worried if this is a sign of potential blindness or just a bump that will heal.

Thank you very much,

What an incredible caretaker! You're doing so much right that I'm not terribly worried about the injury.
Yes, sometimes they can just poke themselves with a toenail.
 You may see it improve considerably within the next two to three days (birds heal remarkably fast).

I don't believe there is any need to rush him to be seen by someone he doesn't know and who isn't your usual vet.

However, if you notice any fluffing, lack of balance, choosing the lower perches or cage floor to sit/stand, going off his food or water, etc. - then don't hesitate.

Check back with me in a day to let me know how things look and how the bird is acting ok?