Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > my indian rose ringed parakeet stopped speeking

my indian rose ringed parakeet stopped speeking

21 16:36:26


i have a question to ask from you .i have an indian rose ringed parakeet(green in colour)
it was trained by some other person and i bought it from a shopkeeper.when i took him home
he got used to us and started speeking whatever he was trained to speek.but now the problem
is that for a few days (3 days ) it has completely stopped speeking even a single word.i dont
know  why ? i am very worried.please tell me what is the problem and  how can i solve it.



Hi UZ,
I am sorry it took me a few days to respond but my computer was not working.

How long have you had your bird? Is he showing any signs of being sick? Have things changed in your home in the last few days so that something might have upset him? Sometimes a bird that is new to a home will stop talking for a little while because he is adjusting to changes. Other times a bird that is doing a lot of talking and then quits is showing the first signs of illness. If you were here in the US I would tell you to take him to an avian veterinarian if he does not improve but I realize that in Pakistan that may be difficult or impossible to do.  The best I can tell you to do is to watch your bird carefully and make sure that he is eating well and is not appearing to be sick. If he seems okay then check around his cage to see if something might be frightening him or if something has changed that intimidates him. If so, try to correct that situation. One other thing to try is to move him to an area of the house where he feels like he is part of the family and hears everyone else talking. That may make him want to talk more. Birds do not like to just have the same words repeated over and over to them. They get bored with that very quickly. My birds all talk and talk a lot but that is because I talk to them as if they were anyone else in the family. Hopefully your bird will start talking with you again.

Best of luck to you,
