Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > my indian rose ringed parakeet has stopped speeking

my indian rose ringed parakeet has stopped speeking

21 16:36:26

thanks for your reply.there has been no change in his environment or routine.i hope he gets ok soon and starts speeking again.i will act upon your advice.
i would further like to ask u that is there any possibility that he is sick thats why he is behaving like this?what are the common diseases of indian rose ringed parakeets?what are their symptoms? how can they be cured?
i would be looking forward for your early reply


Followup To

Question -

i have a question to ask from you .i have an indian rose ringed parakeet(green in colour)
it was trained by some other person and i bought it from a shopkeeper.when i took him home
he got used to us and started speeking whatever he was trained to speek.but now the problem
is that for a few days (3 days ) it has completely stopped speeking even a single word.i dont
know  why ? i am very worried.please tell me what is the problem and  how can i solve it.



Answer -

Has anything changed in the bird's environment or routine? Sometimes changes in the bird's environment or routine can cause birds to become more insecure and thus, they will sometimes stop behaving normally (like speaking).

However, 3 days isn't too long for a bird to go without speaking human words. Give him some time to get over it, and hopefully he will be back to his normal, vocal self very soon. :)

When he does speak, make sure to reward him with treats or verbal praise. You can also try speaking to him more frequently (words that you know he can say already) to encourage him to speak more.

Good Luck!


Sudden changes in behavior can be a sign of illness (it can be one of the first signs). Has he just stopped speaking human words, but is still vocal (in 'parrot language') or has he become completely silent? If he has become completely silent, I would recommend getting him a check up with a vet who specializes in birds.

I hope this helps.
