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yeast meds for cockatoo

21 16:18:10

Is it safe to give my cockatoo nystatin?  Vet prescribed for her intestinal yeast infection - she has had diarrhea for loose stools for 4 days -- why couldn't I give  my bird a natural agent like lactoacidophilos, non dairy powder mixed in water instead?

It's best to follow the vet's Rx. Nystatin is safe and effective.  When it comes to infections that are apparent in a bird, chances are it's further along than you might imagine.  While homeopathic remedies have their place, they are much more successful as preventative measures rather than treatments - again, especially when it comes to birds.

 After your 'Too is back in balance, offering a bit of all natural yogurt (about 1/2 teaspoon a day) may be helpful, but so is avoiding too much sugar.  Remember, many fruits are high in sugar.  Though they need fruits, keeping a balance is important.

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