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How to sex a parrot

21 16:29:08

hiya my bf has a orange wing amazon bird, and i was wondering how can i tell if its a female or a male? thnx

Amazons cannot be sexed on sight, but often owners discover it's a girl when they find the egg (which shouldn't be encouraged).
 DNA sexing is necessary - or surgical sexing, which I really don't recommend because it can be dangerous.
 DNA sexing is not very costly and can be pretty valuable to the owner.  When they find out it's a female, steps can be taken to discourage egg laying; if it's a male, steps can be taken to discourage aggression. In neither case does this guarentee no eggs or agression, but it goes a long way to helping the owner understand what may happen.

 DNA testing can be done on your own through many labs that will send you the 'blood drop' cards upon request.  I strongly advise AGAINST using the plucked feather method as many times this results in a bleed that is difficult to stop or can stress the bird enough to develop a self plucking problem.  
The best blood drop is acquired with a nail clipping just enough to produce a few drops for the collection card.

You mail it out with your payment and in anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks - you know for sure!

Check the net for "DNA sexing birds"

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