Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Ringnecks


21 16:29:01

With the climate here in Pa. when is breeding time for Indian ringnecks? Can you have Eclectus & Ringnecks in same room to breed? Do male ringnecks always have a black ring no matter what color they are?

Hello Paula,

For birds signals from the environment send them into breeding. These conditions include increased daylight, warmer temperatures from the norm, abundance of food, etc. Signs that raising young will be successful. The increased daylight is one of the strongest triggers. As for specifics to your area this may be best asked of one of the breeders.

I can not think of any reason why eclectus and ringnecks cannot be housed in the same room. Again I would recommend that you direct that question to one of the breeders.

Sexual dimorphism does change depending on the color mutations. Here is an article that discusses the changes for each mutation.
