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Bird Baithing

21 16:13:54

QUESTION: Is it ok to spray my cockatiel with a warm mist so he may bathe?
He don't seem to be using his bath, and will it frighten him?

ANSWER: Hi Didi!

Thank you for asking my advice!

You can certainly spray or mist him with warm water.  Some cockatiels even enjoy going in the shower with you.  Many pet supply stores carry perches that you can hang in your shower for the birds.  We have a cockatiel who enjoys bathing under the tap.


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QUESTION: Thank you for answering my last question so quickly. My cockatiel is 3 months old and very well tamed but i am not able to pet him or even come from behind him, Why is that? Can you help me to get him comfortable with it?

ANSWER: Hi Didi!
It is perfectly normal for your baby tiel to be a bit insecure.  With time and patience these things will change.
When approaching him from behind talk to him making the same sound or word each time, be sure to give him a treat too.  He will then associate that sound or word with you and a treat.

As for the head scritches as we cockatiel people call them.  They will come in time.  Try by just holding your finger out for him.  Eventually he will use it as a scratching post.  Birds are very social and prone to social grooming, you will notice him preening your hair and then bowing his head at you, this is your cue to lightly stroke his crest feathers.

Congratulations and best of luck!


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QUESTION: Ok this is didi, i got a cockatiel he is 3 months, i just changed his food to straight pellets, which he loves. And today i bought a bedding that looks just like his food,not thinking about that at the time. I just noticed he was eating his bedding instead of his food, so i showed him his food so he will eat that , and he is now. My concern is, if he continues to eat the bedding will it hurt him. His bedding is called (natural corn cobs).

Hello again DiDi!

It is not good for him to be eating his bedding, it is no different than if the cat were eating the litter.

When using this to line the bottom of your cage you should have a grate over top to keep the bird from eating it.
I do not recommend this type of lining as you can not see the poop clearly.  Which is important to detect illness early on!
I prefer to use newspaper (Black and white sections only) this allows me to see the poop clearly for any changes!

Great that you have him eating pellets!  Still offer him seeds and lots of fresh veggies, grains and fruits as well!

Keep up the good work!
