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Different birds together

21 16:23:59

I have recently obtained a 9 month old Goffin's Cockatoo.  He has not been socialized, per se and I am working with him.  Someone told me that Goffin's don't mix well with some birds.  I have the opportunity to take in an Indian Ringneck and was wondering if they will get along or not.  They most likely will live in separate cages.
Also any techniques you could pass along for socializing the parent fed cockatoo would be appreciated.  Currently, he comes out of the cage only when scared out. He needs to be picked up with a towel, and can be bitey.  When held in the towel, he will allow me to scratch his neck.  His nails need trimming and his wings need to be clipped, we will see the avian vet next week for that.
Any help that can be offered would be great!

It sounds like you want very badly to do the right thing for this bird and that's wonderful! I'll do what I can to help you all the way.

Keeping birds of any kind in separate cages is always the best idea.  If kept together and allowed to interact physically with each other, they tend to bond with each other and humans are left out, sometimes altogether :(

'Toos are also known for surprise bites. One of the most amazing rescues we've had was an Eclectus with her upper beak bitten clean through by a long time companion 'too! Years and years together and then, one day, it just happened.  She's quite lucky to be alive.  We've got pics of her and her beak at our site (click on 'birds').

We also explain step by step how to best socialize and calm problem birds.  Nothing for sale, no ulterior motives - it's just a lot more space than we have here.
 Take a look and then let me know (either through that site or right here) if you have any questions about it.

With the dedication to finding out the right information you've already shown, the chances of success with this 'too are excellent.
Patience is going to be your best tool.