Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > my love bird is pregnant or sick.

my love bird is pregnant or sick.

21 16:15:29

Is my lovebird pregnant or sick since this morning it is very calm not playing with other birds,i feel it has become little fat near its stomach,its not talking the food properly,but its flying trying to drink water but not able to bend properly,after trying a lot once it has taken water, but it not eating food.My bird is lovebird, i am what had happened to it,please reply me as soon as possible.

Birds don't get pregnant and 'grow' like that. They lay eggs and nurture it outside their body rather than inside.

When you see a bird growing large that way and showing other symptoms of concern like being quiet, not eating/drinking normally and the rest, it's an EMERGENCY

She needs to be seen quickly - so please don't delay.  She may have an egg stuck inside and without help in a few hours she might not make it.  

When they don't eat/drink, they cannot survive very long.

Please have her seen and helped.