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my sunshine conure

21 16:14:00

I did take sunny to the vet. and he said only from what he has read about avacodo being deadly to my bird is what he knows about the problem.  I had a seed growing in a cup for over a year....i heard the meat of the avacodo was deadly to them but just didn't think about the seed or small stem growing out.  about a week ago sunny chewed on the seed and cut the stem off and i found the pieces laying around.  i took it out of the he is presenting with symptoms....unable to perch, head rolling, eyes rolling, head tilting back....but not in distress with breathing and vet says he has pink around nostrils and in mouth....QUESTION....have you ever actually dealt with a case of a conure eating avacodo....the vet says probably none of the bird specialist here have dealt with this either. How long before I know if he will make it.  i chose not to put him to sleep right now and to try to hand feed and give him u think he will come back....can he survive this?  I have also talked to my friend in CA who is also a vet and he gave me the same info. as the vet we went to tonite....I am beside myself with grief and feel so guilty for leaving that plant out in the sunporch where sunny lives. Whatever you can share with me will be appreciated and I am thanking you now in advance for your help.  I'm told it will effect his lungs and heart....can he survive.  Mary Jane Bodden....God bless you

Avocado toxicity will usually present with signs of irritation, like increased scratching, preening and perhaps restlessness.  The more severe the ingestion, the bird goes off food and respiratory distress may prove life threatening (rapid breathing).

In slower toxic cases you might find liver damage.

Now, to answer your question - yes, he can still make it.  The longer he survives, the better his chances are at a full recovery.

From what you've described - it may not be the avocado that's the problem.  If he has been eating mostly seed for his diet, your description would be in keeping with hepatic lipidosis/fatty liver disease from this rather than the avocado.

You can take a look here for more about ideal nutrition that would help either way  (copy and paste into your address bar)