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hypo budgie

21 16:33:12

I have a 12(approx) week old budgie and he does not seem to be settling. whenever you try to change food or water he is always flying around the cage madly. i talk to him reguraly every day but he still dosent seem to trust me. ive had it for about 6 weeks now but hes still always hypo. someone who has ownedlots of budgies came over and took him out but he was just flying around madly, refusing to come anywhere near us. what can i do to train him and make him trust us?

thank you for your question.
Almost all budgies will do a lot for millet spray, so offering him some on your hand is a good way to make him trust you. It will take some time for him to come and sit on your hand, but he will do so eventually. Just don't hold your hand too near because this will frighten him, let him come to you.
I hope I was of some help to you