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Cockatoo not eating vegies

21 16:34:58

I have a 2 1/2 year old Bare-eyed cockatoo. The problem is that he only ever eats corn, potatoes and his bird seed, when there is a million other things he should be eating. He doesn't even eat yummy fruits and when every I give him an apple he just shaves it down to it's core and eats the seeds. I'm worried about his health!
Please help!
Thanks in advance,

Hi James,

First, please do not allow your bird to keep eating apple seeds. They actually contain a substance that can be quite toxic to birds. It may not effect him now but could over time.

 That said, the best way I have found to get big birds to try different foods it to share your dinner with them. I bring my guys to the table with me when I am eating dinner as long as what I am eating is safe for them and either let them sample from my plate or fix them a small plate next to mine. When they watch me eat they almost always get curious enough to try whatever it is I am eating.

 The next thing to try is cutting your fruits and veggies in to interesting shapes. Shave carrots to make curliques, make corn wheelies, mash up some cooked sweet potato with some bird seed. Get creative. You might even try weaving some freshly washed greens such as spinach, carrot tops, or mustard greens through the cage bars. Cook up some brown rice and add baby food (the human kind) veggies to it.
Just keep trying. I would also suggest getting your bird on a good quality pelleted diet.  Just always remember that with fresh foods, you need to take them out after several hours so that bacteria does not build up.

Hope this will help you out!
