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overbreeding cockatiels

21 16:26:11

I have cockatiels for almost a year and they,ve hatched most of thier eggs almost everytime.I tried taking thier nesting box and they got very depressed for 3 months I had to put it back.I'll apreciate any input I've found caring homes for the babies I only kept one from the very first batch my pried and joy Stewy.Hope to hear from you.

Hi, I got my birds which were budgies at that time to stop breeding by removing the babies handfeeding them and removing the nesting box. Overbereeding is common my budgies raised 6/7 clutches before I relized they were killing themselfs and took the babies away to handfeed the last few weeks and removed the nesting box before they could relay. Offering larger cage, lots of toys lots of out of cage time and a good variety of foods should keep them happier...of course nothing is like raising a family but it can help pervent featherpicknig from bordom and hopefully eggs on the cage floor.