Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > is my parrot a girl or a boy?

is my parrot a girl or a boy?

21 16:42:39

Please can you tell me how to tell the sex of my parrot. It is an Amazon paRROT.


It would help if you told me what species of Amazon you have, and a picture would make things a lot easier. Some species if you compare them side-by-side you can take a fairly educated guess as to which is a male and which is a female.

The only way to know for sure is to have your parrot DNA sexed by a certified veterinarian, or there are places like HealthGene where you can pull out a few feathers and send them in and pay to have those tested. Or if your Amazon lays eggs, that's a definite sign you have a female! :)

I would suggest you have him/her DNA sexed! Good luck
