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Pet Ringneck laying eggs

21 16:29:35

I have a 3 yr old female ringneck that is laying at the moment it has not been mated, kept as a pet, how and when do I remove the eggs. 2 laid so far 48 hr interval. Her health and our relationship the reason for asking

Hello Mark and thank you for posting with me.
She will probably lay 2-3 more eggs in the next week.  Female birds do not need a mate to be able to lay eggs, the males are needed to fertilize the eggs.  Let her sit on her eggs until SHE is ready to give up on them.  When she realized that they will not hatch, she will either pust the out of the way, or she will quit sitting on them altogether.  This is a natural instinct for her, and if you remove the eggs before SHE is ready, she might continue to lay eggs  to satisfy her natural mothering instincts.  If this happens, she could actually die from lack of calcium and necessary vitamins.
It might take up to a month, but when she is ready to give up on the eggs is a safe time to remove them.  Make sure that she has a calcium block in her cage at all times.  Also, be sure to give her some Avian Vitamins and offer her fresh fruits and vegetables.

Let me know how it goes.
Good luck and God Bless.