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baby macaw

21 16:15:54

Hi ,i have a 3 week old baby b&g macaw.To make this short and sweet the symptons to date are.She sounds like she has a head cold ( i think something has got caught or built up in her nasal passage ( she has been checked etc etc),she sounds like she has troule breathing but she is still breathing properly( if that makes sense)her main problem is after feed time .It is like she has trouble eating and breathing.She does calm down after a while ,but still sounds blocked.She has no nasal discharge,but she is bringing up food through her nose after meals?????????.She is gaining weight,bowel motions are normal ,she is alert apart from this breathing thing she is a perfect healthy normal bird,if you didnt know much about birds ,you wouldnt notice the problem.So any suggestion would be a great help .Thankx for your time cheers nichole

Your first description about the sound of nasal build up is something pretty common for macaws.  Of course it's just the "sound". This is what a macaw sounds like.  As if they're talking into a can or bowl (and most macaws will actually do this. They'll put their heads in their bowls and talk or make other noises so it echoes - they like the sound and the feel of the vibration of the sound on their sensitive beaks and faces).

What is of concern is bringing food up through the nares?  Will you please describe this more for me?

Also, at this age she should still be eating baby food - a special bird mix that at this point can be taken from a spoon held slightly above her eye level and tipped into her mouth.  
 While she should be weaning and eating a moderate selection of pellets and fresh foods, the baby food should still part of her diet.

Is it?