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I bought an unrelated pair...

21 16:42:28

I bought an unrelated pair of parrolets. They are about a year old now. I noticed the male rubbing on their cozy. Is this an indication they are becomming sexually mature? What type of nesting do parrolets prefer box, basket? What about supplements eggfood, etc.? I breed finches so I usually make eggfood with petamine added would this be a good addition to parrolets diet as well?

Hi, Jen.  Thanks for posting your questions.

What part of his body was the male rubbing against the cozy?  Males usually reach sexual maturity earlier than females do.  Females of most parrot species need more time to develop physically (internally) than males do, even though females can produce offspring at a younger age.  In other words, it's usually better to have the female a bit older than a male.  Females need a bit more time to completely develop their reproductive organs.  

Reaching sexual maturity and being mates are 2 different things.  A pair of parrots (aka "little amazons") must be pair-bonded before they will consider mating.  Just putting 2 birds (M/F) together isn't enough.  Pair bonding consists of "amorous" behavior between the 2 birds, such as the male feeding the female (good indication of pair-bonding), preening each other, sleeping closely together, etc., etc.  I wouldn't recommend setting up any type of nesting box until you witness pair-bonding behavior between the pair and the female is closer to about 18 months of age.  I always used a nestbox for my parrotlets...parakeet sized.  Parrotlets can produce up to 8 babies in a clutch and once the babies start growing, a basket (such as you might use for finches) wouldn't be enough room for babies and parents.  Also, I have found that parrotlets must feel completely secure in the location where they lay eggs or they won't lay.  In other words, I've had most success placing the breeding cage in a corner of the breeding room where they can see everything that goes on around them and not too close to other birds or close to window where outside activity might disturb them.  Of course, this depends on the individual bird pair (how secure they are in their environment, etc.).  

I'm not sure what you mean by feeding supplements, i.e., parrotlets (parrots) are not the same type of birds as finches.  In order to be healthy, your parrotlets should be on a varied, daily diet of fresh, raw vegetables, fruits, pellets, some seed, etc.  Parrotlets might be small, but need the same type of diet as any other parrot.  A seed-only diet is not good (seed contains too much fat and is low in nutritional value).  In addition, a seed-only diet would not be good for the parents to feed their clutch of babies.  You need healthy parents in order to produce healthy babies.  You'll also want to wean the babies once that time comes to a good, healthy, varied diet.  Eggfood is good, but should only be part of a varied diet, not the only item in addition to seed and/or pellets.  

Visit my website if you'd like for more information on parrots in general:

Come back if you have additional questions or need clarification on anything.  Thanks.
