Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Electric cord chewed threw! HELP!

Electric cord chewed threw! HELP!

21 16:42:26

My friend just send me this email. Please advise!

Andrea came home today and Ernie(alexandrine) had gotten on a lamp and chewed through the wires.  She acts okay and ate some oatmeal but has a burn spot on her beak.

       I'm waiting on the vet to call and have talked to only one other person..  anybody help me with this?  Is there a danger of internal damage?  

Hi, Kamie.  

Ernie is most likely OK, considering you state she is acting OK and eating.  If she had burned her mouth on the inside, she probably couldn't eat or drink.  However, only an avian vet can determine if there is internal problems (as a result of a shock, etc.).

I would recommend your friend not allow her parrot to roam freely in her home while she is away.  Parrots cannot be trusted alone!

Be aware that experts on this site have up to 3 days to respond to questions.  You should never post on this website for responses to emergency should contact a bird vet ASAP and/or go to a local emergency animal clinic, depending on the urgency.

I hope Ernie is OK.
