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phobic african grey

21 16:23:39

I desperately need help for my young Grey..I have had her since Nov. She was really sweet and always stepped up..let me touch her and pet her. About 3-4 weeks ago my husband went to put her on her play stand and something spooked her. She fell to the floor and would not let us come near her. We had to finally pick her up with a towel because she was screaming and wouldn't stop..I thought she was hurt and wanted to get her up off of the floor as I have dogs. She is terrorized by us ever since. If I come close to her she fledges her wings (kind of throttles them) It is hard to describe...she will then throw herself to the bottom of her cage screaming. I have tried to be patient with her ..will sit by her cage and talk to her and not look at her..Sometimes she will take treats from me..but if she does she grabs them like she is terrified..This is so upsetting..I feel so bad for her. What should i do?

Debbie, I have to tell you that I think your best bet is I agree totally with this man. And The book -The click that does the trick. You have time to emerse yourself in knowledge and it is so important that you educate yourself first about helping your bird Your bird is not going anywhere and has a long life span . Plus- It is fascinating to learn about birds and these people have described everything that would take me hours to explain. Simple as that.This can be a long process but sooo worth it for your birds sake!!! Please tell me how it goes when you work through this problem.!! Christy