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Parakeet is strange

21 16:35:50

my parakeet has taken up the habit of sitting in her food bowl/toy mirror she has never done this before, also sometimes she shakes also, but when we put her up in the window she plays for a while and chirps but then acts like she gets tired or something and gets back in her bowl agian. Whats wrong with her and what can we do to help her?

Hi Diane,
 I am wondering if you have a young bird and are seeing her act out nesting behavior? The sitting in the food bowl sounds like what many female birds do several times a year when they are feeling "romantic". I have a conure who began spending most of her time sitting in her food bowl a couple of years ago and continues to do so even now. For her it seems to be a place she feels secure and she also seems to enjoy the feeling of stirring up her food with her feet. Just last night I had a question here from a person with a cockatiel who has suddenly started sitting in her bowl as well.

 On the other hand, I am not quite sure what to think of the episodes of shaking and of her tiring so easily. It could be that she feels she has a nest there in the bowl and hurries to get back to it but I without being able to see her or know more of her history I don't want to say that it definitely what is going on. I would suggest taking her to a vet who specializes in birds or who at least does a lot of work with birds and having them give her a "well-bird" exam. Parakeets, especially older ones, are prone to tumors, etc.. and I would hate for this behavior change to be the start of something like that and leave it go undetected. I always suggest that when a person notices any major behavior changes that they have the bird vet checked. That's what I do with my own. Birds mask illness by instinct until they are too sick to do so anymore but an attentive owner such as you seem to be will often see differences in personality or behavior that alert you early on of a problem.

 If you go to the vet and get a clean bill of health, you will at least have peace of mind that she is well. I would then try adding a few new safe and interesting toys to her cage to see if you can distract her from the bowl. If the vet does find something, hopefully it can be easily treated and you will know you have done all you can to look out for her.

Best of luck to you and please feel free to come back if you have further questions.
