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Parrolet Cock Eating Eggs

21 16:41:33

I have a 1st time breeding pair of young parrolets. The hen had 6 eggs she was sitting on then the cock was very agressively active in the nest box and the next day there were only 4 eggs and now the hen never comes out of the box. I thenk the cock ate the eggs. Do you think he'll eat/kill the cicks when born and should I remove hime from the cage? He is friendly but very aggressive

Hi, DuRena.  Thanks for posting.

How young are the parrotlets?  They could be too young.  How old were the eggs when the cock ate them?  If the eggs weren't fertile and weren't going to hatch, this is one thing (the parent birds know at 7-10 days if their eggs are fertile or not).  But, if they were fertile and the cock ate them, this is another thing.  I don't know if the cock will eat/kill the babies.  Just because he ate the eggs doesn't mean he'll do the same to his babies, but this depends on several factors.  I need more details of the situation, age of the parrotlets, age of the eggs at the time the cock ate them, etc.
