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Tapioca Beads

21 16:23:29

I have a B/G Macaw, Congo A/G, Senegal and a Caique.  I cook healthy grains/beans for them as a base to their fresh fruits and veggies.  A bird store owner asked me if I give them Tapioca Beads.  If it is good for them, I will, just need to know for sure.  Thank you, Christy.

I have never been aware of this practice. But, lets see... Carrots, large amount of beta carotine,sweet potato....SUPER amount of nutrients, Bird pellets.... balanced nutrition, red beans, black beans, broccoli,peppers all unbelievably nutritious... seed...fat and very litte nutrition, read the nutrients on a package of tapioca and I think you may find better food value in other super nutritous foods for your money. People also feed a lot of fruit most are mostly sugar and water but I can think of foods with a lot more bang for my buck and I want my birds used to eating the more nutritous food.I hope the best for you and your babies!Take care, Christy