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Meduim/large parrot

21 16:30:42

Hello, I have owned finches/budgies/cockatiels and a lovebird in the past and I am considering a differen parrot later this year. I am looking into something large then teh cockatiel but smaller then a african grey, I want something that wont pierce my ears when it squaks and something friendly bought handfed but isnt extremly needy. I am hoping you might be able to reccomend a type of parrot.

Hi, Tara.  Thanks for posting!

The parrot you want doesn't exist!  

I don't recommend species/subspecies of parrots.  I don't know enough about your lifestyle, personal desires, etc., to do this properly.  There are hundreds of species of parrots out there...I recommend you research the internet or visit a parrot breeder's facility, bird show/auction/fair, etc., where you can see many types of parrots and speak with people familiar with those particular species of birds in order to choose one that might be right for you.

All parrots make noise...the decibel level depending on the type of bird.  Buy your bird from a reputable parrot breeder, and buy a just-weaned, handfed baby, that you can raise the way you want to raise the bird.
