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indian ringnecks

21 16:15:27

hi. i would like to know if i should build them a aviary. Lisa 1 and 1/2 years looks like he/she is getting a ring and goldie second hand bird is a girl. they have cages next to each other, and enjoy each other. i let them out and they play a bit. goldie a girl so chases Lisa around. but a soon as one is out of sight the other screams and is not happy. i would like to know should i build them a aviary. i would love to breed.

Hi, Hannelore,

The expert you sent your original post to could not answer.  I picked up your post from the question pool this morning.  Please tell me who you sent your original post to.

It's up to you if you want to build them an aviary.  It would certainly be OK with the birds I'm sure!  Just make sure you don't make the aviary too big.  If you make a big aviary, ensure you have access to every area within the aviary, as you may have to be able to get to a bird anywhere in the aviary if a bird gets injured, etc.  Also, you have to be able to clean everything in an aviary so don't make it bigger than you can handle.  

When breeding however, it's not usually a good idea to have a pair of birds in too big of a cage because you want the pair to think about breeding and caring for eggs and offspring.  Sometimes when a cage/aviary is too big, the bird(s) enjoy being in the aviary so much, they don't care for their eggs/offspring.  Therefore, I use breeding cages when birds are breeding and keep them in aviaries when they are at rest.  Breeding cages are big enough for 2 adults and a full clutch of offspring.  I pull babies at 7-14 days (depending on the species), so size would also depend on whether you will pull babies for handfeeding or let the parents raise them.

If you are planning on breeding them, they need to both be at least 2 years old.  Educate yourself as much as possible on all aspects of caring/breeding birds BEFORE you allow them to breed.  You'll be running into all sorts of issues and you'll need to know what to do.
