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red nares and face

21 16:04:14

My Scarlet Macaw has red cheeks like he is blushing and his nares turn red too.  It has kind of been like that on and off for the last few weeks.  I don't know if he is just blushing or if he is allergic to something.  It goes away and then comes back.  There is no discharge.  Am I over reacting or could something be wrong?  

-- Macaws blush.  As long as you're seeing it return to normal in a matter of minutes, chances are it's perfectly normal.

Try to note the circumstances that you see this happen.  If there's a lot of attention being paid to him, or something exciting is going on, macaws may blush.  

They even blush when they're 'embarrassed' !  A macaw that makes a misstep or mis-flight will often blush

Again though - be sure it's nothing that lasts, that there are no growths, rashes, etc.

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