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Parakeet Issues

21 16:33:07


I have a parakeet that will not quit laying eggs. She began laying at about one year of age. She is now three. While she only laid two or three eggs, then stopped for quite a few months, she is now laying eggs constantly. In the past three months, she has laid around 15 eggs.

She is now sitting on three!

I did some internet research and read that she should be in the "dark" for at least twelve hours at night. And also, it was suggested we leave the eggs in the cage and she would eventually lose interest and then we could take them out. She never lost interest (we left them in for nearly two weeks....was this long enough?)

I know this is not healthy for her. It is quite expensive to take her to a vet, and my husband is unemployed. I am at my wits' end! Is there any advice you can give me?

Thank you,

Hi, Toni.  Thanks for posting!

When your keet lays infertile eggs, you should leave them where she laid them until she abandons them on her own.  This could take as long as a month, sometimes 5-6 weeks, so removing them at 2 weeks was too early.  This is likely why she laid again.  Remove any nesting box or whatever she is laying her eggs in in order to discourage her from laying any more eggs (after she abandons the eggs she's currently incubating).  Also, in order to discourage her from laying, she should have only 12 hours of light per day (a nightlight is OK).  You can take your bird to an avian veterinarian for a hormone shot to stop the egg laying, however, try the above first and see if this works.  Be sure to keep plenty of cuttlebone in your keet's cage in case she needs extra calcium with all the egg laying.

Come back with any additional questions.
