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African Grey Funny Behavior

21 16:34:57

Hello Reverend,

My question is concerning the behavior of Baby(6mo. old Timneh African Grey).  First off when we got her we were told to put a towel in the bottom of the cage for soft landings since greys tend to be clumsy when young.  We did this and found it to be a good idea since she climbs on the roof of the cage and sometimes falls.  When she is on the floor she will walk to the side of the cage near me and procede to put her face into the floor and scrape her foot on the ground.  The best mental picture I can make is that she looks like a bull about to charge.  It is quite funny, but is it a problem? And do you have any knowledge as to why she does it?  One other thing is that she doesn't seem to like anyone but me. Is there a way to get her to like anyone else or at least be nice and tolerate them?


Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I wish you only happy healthy years ahead - all 50 or more of them!
Given that your little one will live very close to a human lifespan, 6 months old is in a whole new perspective isn't it?  It's just 6 months old.  Imagine a human baby at this age.
 I just love baby birds! Especially parrots like this, they are so cuddly and cute. Everything is new to them and they are soaking up knowledge like a sponge!
I sooooo envy you! My youngest is 3 now (macaw).

OK, so, the first thing you need to do is establish a well bird visit with an avian vet.  Have the DNA panel done (it's VERY worth it, believe me) to not only check for disease/disorders, but also to determine sex.
 Once you have this done, you have peace of mind and if there's ever a problem, you have someone to call who knows you and your bird.  This is something you won't appreciate until the need arises. You can bet that you'll need this doctor when birdy gets sick - on a weekend/holiday night, during the worst storm of the season.  That's just how it always happens.

Babies have various habits (mine used to lay on their backs on the cage floor and sleep) and if you're laughing or reacting to her, she's encouraged to do it more.

As for the socialization, it's so tempting to let them bond to just one (cause it makes us feel special), but over time this will be a problem behavior.  Encourage her going to anyone and everyone else by praising her for it when she does.  Also, birds tend to like who we like. If you show affection towards people as she's watching, she's more likely to do the same.

Your Grey is considered one of the most intelligent of all parrot species! Ranked up there with the apes and dolphins! She'll eventually learn words and as long as you keep her challenged - she'll surprise you constantly. Right now though, just work on making her secure, meeting her needs, establishing bonds and socialization and most, most, most importantly, have her baseline vet visit done.

It sounds like you are going to be a wonderful companion! Take a look here for more about meeting her needs and info about birds like this: