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silent parrot

21 16:32:01

Hi, we have a young quaker parrot (approx 6 months)  The parrot apparently had a run in with our dog the other evening.  My son said the dog "ran over" the bird.not sure what exactly that means....if it was stepped on or what.  About a month ago the dog and bird accidently were left alone and the dog pulled out the parrots tail feathers.

Anyway, since the run in with the dog last evening, the parrot seems silent.  It had just started talking...and would squawk and "chatter" most of the evenings.  Now, the parrot has been silent.  I tried to make it say the word it knows this looked like he tried, but no real noise came from him.  I have not heard him "chatter" at all.  The bird does not seem injured...he is eating fine....still comes on our finger fine.......but just seems to have lost its voice.  I am wondering if this might be a form of shock.....or could it have larengitis, or do you think it could be hurt in some way.   Can a parrot be so frightened it would loose its voice?

Hi there, this could well be shock as parrots are very sensitive and do not forget easily. Though just incase there is something physically causing him not to speak, like an injury I think it would be a good idea to get a vet to check him and try to keep the dog away from the parrot as next time it could be a lot worse and it will only make the bird a lot more afraid. Good luck