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what is my parrotkeet????

21 16:36:30

i have 3 parakeets(budgies) i no i have 2 males but i have one thathas a top beak thatis a little brown and a real light blue and it also has a little white on it it's mixed with 3 colors is it a male or female?i had it for almost 7 months and the beak satyed the smae color  

Normally by the time the bird reaches maturity the baby coloring (usually light blue, white or lavander) disappears and their adult coloring (brown for females, blue for males) developes. This is usually visable by the time they are anywhere from 7 to 12 months old. I would assume that your bird is just a "late bloomer" so to speak. But, you can take your bird to an avian vet to have her examined to double check and make sure everything is alright and to help you determine if she is in fact a female.

I hope this helps.
