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Female Parrot Egg Laying

21 16:36:14

I adopted a female white-fronted amazon parrot from a shelter 3 years ago.  The shelter told me that it was a male and they somehow estimated it to be 10 years old.  I just recently learned that the parrot is a female because her shoulders are green and not red.  My question is that shouldn't she have layed eggs?  I know it takes 2 to create babies but do female parrots still lay eggs?  Do I need to have a breeding box for her even though her eggs will not hatch?


Hi there, No she shouldn't have laid eggs and it is good that she hasn't! Don't give her a nest box as you don't want to encourage her to lay eggs. If a female parrot lays eggs even though they don't have a mate, it drains a lot of calcium from the bones and you can end up with a very sick bird because the body won't have enough calcium as it would be used to produce the eggs, this would be a total waste as the eggs would not be fertile so she would be using her nutrients for nothing. She could end up with bone problems that are very painful and hard to treat. Hope this helps and good luck with her!