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Lovebird and budgie?

21 16:29:22

Ok so here's the story...i was sleeping over at my friends house and i decided to bring my over my female lovebird named Kiwi. My friend has a female cockatiel named Boco and a male budgie named Mr.Robato. Kiwi is 9 months old and so is Mr.Robato. Well the next morning we decided to let the bird play kiwi was beating up Boco and she was all around mr.Robato. Well me and my friend wanted to go get a glass of water so we left the birds alone for about 5 seconds and when we came back Mr.Robato was mating with kiwi. Like he was on her back and all that. i got really freaked out because i heard that you can't cross bread and I'm afraid that for some reason kiwi may die or something. So i was wondering if you could help me out here.

Thank you,

Hi, Aneta.  Thanks for posting!

A lovebird and budgie might be able to go through the motions of mating, but since their genes are so different, breeding did not occur.  Kiwi isn't going to die from this.  Crossbreeding happens and isn't something a bird can die from.
